Evaluation 3
What kind of media institution might distribute your magazine and why?
The main media institution that I looked at when doing my research of teen pop magazines showed me the main ones i came across which was BBC distributing `Top of the Pops' magazine and Egmont which distributed `We love Pop' magazine. In the following files below there is a print screened images of the website Egmont and We love pop magazine website. Disappointingly the Top of the Pops magazine does not have a updated magazine website which could have been very helpful to me.
Egmont would be interested in distributing my music magazine due to to them having the very popular teen pop magazine `We love Pop'. It has a similar liking to my on magazine which is bright colours, famous young celebrities and also the latest gossips. As you can see in the pictures below that `We love Pop' magazine and
my chosen magazine `Top of the Pops' they both look very similar in style for example the use of colour, text, pictures and even advertisement is similar. Following through my magazine Top of the Pops and being inspired by it i created my own magazine hich i feel would fit in well along side these teen magazine. However due to them having two magazines in the same genre may not consider distributing my magazine as it would all most be like distributing two of the same magazine. Besides how it look my magazine would have different kinds of elements to to that might interest different readers, this is why I think Egmont would distribute my music magazine as both magazine would be similar in some ways in different in other ways which would gain them more readers and buyers.
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